The author of this exhibition is a photographer and artist from Belarus who, due to the political circumstances, had to move to France. His photographic work is diverse: neorealistic sketches of life in Belarus of the 1970-80s, portraits of artists, acute social reporting. Purely “artistic photography” takes an important place in Volodymyr Bazan‘s works. These are the works in which the author’s expression consists of emotionally intuitive visual images, while the means inherent to a verbal language such as logic or a concept are sidelined.
The exhibition “Visual generosity. Pictures of Paris” represents that very side of the author’s works. Looking at the photographs presented we, the audience, can see how the author’s visual emotional perception is identical and reinforced by typically Parisian visual emotional environment. One can feel a rare sense of aesthetic generosity alongside with the highest intellectual and emotional pleasure.
Volodymyr Bazan’s creative work is close to the post-war humanistic photography, which was launched by Anri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Doisneau, Brassay and others.
The affinity is felt primarily in the visuality, in the accent to the author’s psychological state, that is, to the personal world of a human. The space presented in the photographs, the same as in post-Impressionist paintings, is continuation and visualization of an internal mood. Things, houses, air, water, the very atmosphere in the photographs by V. Bazan obtain an anthropocentric dimension.
Creative development of the contemporary postwar humanistic photography tradition of the middle of the last century by a contemporary author is symptomatic nowadays especially with the new threats of the modern world and turbulence in the area of traditional values. I hope that through humanistic photographs by Volodymyr Bazan many of gallery visitors will find not only aesthetic pleasure but also comfort for their souls, confidence, love for people around.
Glib Vyshe-Slavsky